To manage your Superdesk account settings, select your avatar at the upper right corner and select the settings you want to edit from the drop-down menu. Or you can access settings from the Settings button at the bottom left corner.
Account settings
Manage your user account settings.
- Full Name: Enter your first and last name here and click the Update button to save.
- Account email: Shows the email address you registered with Superdesk.
- Password: You can change your password with the Change Password button. When you click the button, make the following settings in the pane that opens.
- Current Password: Enter your current password here.
- New Password: Enter your new password.
- Confirm Your Password: Confirm your new password.
and then save your new password with Save New Password.
Store Settings
Manage your store settings.
- Connected Store: Shows your connected store.
- Store URL: Shows the link to your connected store.
- Physical Address: Shows the physical address of your store. This address information also appears in the footer of email templates. Change the physical address here and then click the Save button from the ribbon at the top.
- Logo: Your store's logo. This is the logo that will be displayed in emails and forms.
Notification Settings
Manage your notification settings.
New Review Emails: Enable to receive notifications when a new comment is posted.
Review Status: Choose which type of comments you want to receive notifications for. Options:
- All
- Approved: Only approved comments
- Pending: Only pending comments
- Rejected: Only rejected comments
Daily Review Digest: See daily review performance. If you have enabled, the Time section below will be active. You can enter the time you want to receive performance emails here.
Weekly Review Digest: See weekly review performance. If you have enabled, the Day of the week and Time sections below will be active. Enter the day you want to receive weekly performance notifications in the Day of the week section, the time in the Time section, and click the Save button in the ribbon above.
Team & Users
Team: Manage the users who will access your Superdesk account.
- Account owner: The account owner with full permissions.
- Admins: Account administrators can access all settings and features except changing the account owner.
- Staff: Other account type. Member accounts can manage comments, products, and message history. They cannot access other features.
Invite users: From this section, you can create your Superdesk team and assign admin or staff account roles to new people by inviting them via email.
Plan & Billing
You can view, upgrade, or downgrade your Superdesk membership plan.
Get Help & Feedback:
To access the help desk, hover over your profile picture in the top right and click the Get Help link from the drop-down menu, or go to this documentation from
Or you can always share your thoughts and feedbacks. We would be appreciate to get feedbacks about improving Superdesk. To do this, you can use Feedback button on the app header.
To log out of your Superdesk account, hover over your profile picture in the top right and click the Logout link from the drop-down menu and log out.